Feb 5 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian
currencies against the dollar at 0252 GMT.
Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 109.460 109.51 +0.05
Sing dlr 1.381 1.3699 -0.80
Taiwan dlr 30.081 30.207 +0.42
Korean won 1188.100 1187.4 -0.06
Baht 31.110 30.95 -0.51
Peso 50.820 50.71 -0.22
Rupiah 13720.000 13705 -0.11
Rupee 71.250 71.25 0.00
Ringgit 4.123 4.109 -0.34
Yuan 7.002 6.9982 -0.05
Change so far in 2020
Currency Latest bid End 2019 Pct Move
Japan yen 109.460 108.61 -0.78
Sing dlr 1.381 1.3444 -2.64
Taiwan dlr 30.081 30.106 +0.08
Korean won 1188.100 1156.40 -2.67
Baht 31.110 29.91 -3.86
Peso 50.820 50.65 -0.33
Rupiah 13720.000 13880 +1.17
Rupee 71.250 71.38 +0.18
Ringgit 4.123 4.0890 -0.82
Yuan 7.002 6.9632 -0.55