Dec 24 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian
currencies against the dollar at 0148 GMT.
Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 109.390 109.39 +0.00
Sing dlr 1.356 1.3554 -0.03
Taiwan dlr 30.182 30.215 +0.11
Korean won 1164.6 1164.0 -0.05
Baht 30.160 30.16 +0.00
Rupee 71.175 71.18 0.00
Ringgit 4.139 4.141 +0.05
Yuan 7.014 7.0125 -0.01
Peso 50.850 50.820 -0.06
Change so far in 2019
Currency Latest bid End 2018 Pct Move
Japan yen 109.390 109.56 +0.16
Sing dlr 1.356 1.3627 +0.51
Taiwan dlr 30.182 30.733 +1.83
Korean won 1,164.6 1,115.9 -4.36
Baht 30.160 32.55 +7.92
Peso 50.850 52.47 +3.19
Rupiah 13960.000 14375 +2.97
Rupee 71.175 69.77 -1.97
Ringgit 4.139 4.1300 -0.22
Yuan 7.014 6.8730 -2.00