(Corrects second table to reflect 2020 year-to-date percentage
Jan 2 (Reuters) -
The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the
dollar at 0141 GMT.
Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 108.650 108.7 +0.05
Sing dlr 1.345 1.3445 -0.07
Taiwan dlr 29.998 30.106 +0.36
Korean won 1156.300 1156.4 +0.01
Baht 30.110 29.9 -0.70
Peso 50.590 50.65 +0.12
Rupiah 13895.000 13880 -0.11
Rupee 71.223 71.22 0.00
Ringgit 4.085 4.089 +0.10
Yuan 6.973 6.9632 -0.13
Change so far in 2020
Currency Latest bid End 2019 Pct Move
Japan yen 108.650 108.61 -0.04
Sing dlr 1.345 1.3444 -0.04
Taiwan dlr 29.998 30.106 +0.4
Korean won 1156.300 1156.40 +0.01
Baht 30.110 29.91 -0.67
Peso 50.590 50.65 +0.12
Rupiah 13895.000 13880 -0.11
Rupee 71.223 71.38 +0.22
Ringgit 4.085 4.0890 +0.10
Yuan 6.973 6.9632 -0.14