Jan 28 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian
currencies against the dollar at 0212 GMT.
Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 104.280 104.09 -0.18
Sing dlr 1.330 1.3286 -0.12
Taiwan dlr 27.997 28.38 +1.37
Korean won 1112.100 1104.4 -0.69
Baht 30.000 29.97 -0.10
Peso 48.105 48.09 -0.03
Rupiah 14060.000 14035 -0.18
Rupee 72.920 72.92 0.00
Yuan 6.483 6.4822 -0.01
Change so far in 2021
Currency Latest bid End 2020 Pct Move
Japan yen 104.280 103.24 -1.00
Sing dlr 1.330 1.3209 -0.70
Taiwan dlr 27.997 28.483 +1.74
Korean won 1112.100 1086.20 -2.33
Baht 30.000 29.96 -0.13
Peso 48.105 48.01 -0.20
Rupiah 14060.000 14040 -0.14
Rupee 72.920 73.07 +0.20
Ringgit 4.044 4.0400 -0.10
Yuan 6.483 6.5283 +0.70