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Currency Forecast

Kathy Lien
U.S. Dollar Tanks As Traders Worry About More Job Losses By Kathy Lien - Mar 27, 2020

The U.S. dollar traded lower against all of the major currencies today after jobless claims topped 3.2 million. We’ve never seen weekly jobless claims at these levels before. They are more than...

Kathy Lien
Will Jobless Claims Kill U.S. Dollar Rally? By Kathy Lien - Mar 26, 2020

A deal is done. The White House and Senate agreed to a historic $2-trillion stimulus package and this agreement should pass the House easily. Equities and currencies traded sharply higher in response...

Kathy Lien
What’s Driving U.S. Dollar Higher Today? By Kathy Lien - Mar 24, 2020

Many major currencies are trading higher this morning as stocks staged a voracious recovery at the New York open. The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped more than 1,000 points or 6.5%. In a normal...

Kathy Lien
New Fed Money Fails To Hurt U.S. Dollar And Help Stocks By Kathy Lien - Mar 24, 2020

The Federal Reserve is doing everything in its power to limit the slide in equities, keep Treasury yields low and provide ongoing liquidity. In a breaking announcement before the start of New...

Kathy Lien
EUR, GBP, AUD Falls To New Lows On Central Bank Easing By Kathy Lien - Mar 20, 2020

Governments around the world continued to take steps to shield their economies from further weakness but the continued market sell-off is a sign that investors have little faith that these efforts...

Pinchas Cohen
Chart Of The Day: The U.S. Dollar Tops Out By Pinchas Cohen - Jan 07, 2020

The U.S. dollar has been attracting a lot of attention for a while now, especially given its continued rise, even after the Fed reversed its policy in July. That was when the U.S. central bank cut...

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