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This article was written exclusively for Investing.com Inflation can be a tough beast to tame Cotton explodes to a multi-year high; Memories of a decade past Lumber snaps back to near its all-time...
When analyzing oil fundamentals, traders must assess demand from a regional perspective. In the last few years we have seen regular talk that India will not be a major player in the future of demand...
Volatile weather forecasts are keeping natural gas traders on the edge as predicting storage draws for heating gets trickier by the week.Little about this winter has been normal, from the slow arrival...
As this year’s best-performing edible commodity, corn has barely taken a break from its marathon gains since May 2020. While some consolidation over the past two weeks has longs wondering...
Based on the chart, which showed a price surge of 22% in just three sessions, one might have thought the asset depicted was Bitcoin. Surprisingly, the spike—from the low on Jan. 28 to the high...
It doesn’t garner as many headlines as copper, but nickel is the only base metal running almost neck-in-neck with the former in a near unbroken rally since April last year. And new research...
Gold prices are the cusp of a breakout or stalling at the low $1,800s this week, depending on U.S. inflation data and a speech by Federal Reserve Chair Jay Powell that could set the tone for longs...
With a still-fragile US economy, worrying levels of COVID-19 infections and deaths, and blockbuster pandemic-related spending anticipated in coming months, gold's return to November lows of under...
Copper dazzled before the eyes of investors at the end of 2020, as vaccine breakthroughs and the promise of economic reopenings after the COVID-19 lockdowns made the price of the metal shine like its...
It took a little longer than thought, but the first big Nor'easter of 2021 is finally here. And so is the return of $3 natural gas.After several missed storm forecasts, the weekend’s...
An array of drivers, including the OPEC+ pledge during the cartel's most recent meeting, to cut production and the subsequent follow-through, as well as a softer dollar are pushing the price of oil...
This article was written exclusively for Investing.comAn almost one-way move hits a temporary wall Virtually impossible to pick tops and bottoms in any markets Demographics continue to favor...
Will the Redditers on WallStreetBets move on to gold next?As the world watches with mouths agape as once-meek retail investors play whack-a-mole with powerful stock-shorting hedge funds, I wonder if...
This article was written exclusively for Investing.comDespite the recent rebound in bond yields and the US dollar, silver rallied sharply on Thursday and looked set to extend those gains at the time...
On his first day in office, President Joseph Biden signed a raft of executive orders to reverse actions by his predecessor Donald Trump. Conspicuously missing from the pile was an order to cancel...