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As hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians flee the Eastern European country to escape Russia’s brutal military invasion, global investors are seeking safe havens of their own, piling into US...
On Tuesday, following Russian President Vladimir Putin's accelerated saber rattling and latest moves on Ukraine, investors are increasing their flight to safe havens, obscuring any action or inaction...
Investors in US Treasuries are being squeezed between the rock of Russia’s threat to Ukraine and the hard place of surging inflation. The consumer price index for January registered a 7.5%...
European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde roiled government bond markets big time when she said last week that eurozone policymakers can no longer exclude a rate hike this year. This...
The Federal Reserve’s plan to start raising interest rates in March—maybe by half a percentage point—is putting bond market analysts in a pickle. Yield on the 2-year Treasury note,...
A perfect storm of an imminent rise in interest rates, unabated inflation, surging infections from the COVID-19 Omicron variant, and the growing possibility Russia will invade Ukraine has unsettled...
A triple whammy from the Federal Reserve to tighten monetary policy sent Treasuries into a tailspin last week and boosted yields on the 10-year note to 1.77% by Friday. On Monday, yields spiked above...
On Monday, yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note plowed decisively through its recent 1.5% ceiling after edging above it on Friday, tacking on 13 basis points to above 1.63%. Even as snow...
There are people who listen to Boris Johnson as if he was someone to take seriously. Some of them even write commentary on the bond market.So when the British prime minister said Sunday there is a...
Analysts scrutinizing historical trends are befuddled by a market that reflects a situation with no precedent. We have a pandemic that won’t end and a Federal Reserve that is dragging its feet...
The benchmark 10-year Treasury note has become a barometer of COVID fears, yo-yoing as concern rises and drops. On Friday, the yield on the 10-year fell below 1.5% as the Dow crashed amid worries...
The decision by US President Joseph Biden to nominate Jerome Powell for a second term as chair of the Federal Reserve—when it finally came on Monday—was widely expected. But there was...
The bigger-than-expected jump in inflation last week led to a quick selloff of US Treasuries on Wednesday after data showed a 6.2% year-on-year increase in the consumer price index for October. Yield...
The big story last week was how hedge funds, which amplify their gains and losses with leverage, got burned as long-term Treasury yields declined and shorter-term yields rose, flattening the yield...
Bond investors globally are leading the charge against inflation and forcing central banks to heed price increases that are not transitory per policymakers’ repeated claims, but proving to be...