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Pimco Gis Global Bond Esg Fund Institutional Sek (hedged) Accumulation (0P0001MDFM)

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93.270 +0.010    +0.01%
29/01 - Closed. Currency in SEK
Type:  Fund
Market:  Ireland
ISIN:  IE00BN4QJ290 
Asset Class:  Bond
  • Morningstar Rating:
  • Total Assets: 43.84B
PIMCO GIS Global Bond ESG Fund Institutional SEK ( 93.270 +0.010 +0.01%

0P0001MDFM Overview

On this page you'll find an in-depth profile of Pimco Gis Global Bond Esg Fund Institutional Sek (hedged) Accumulation. Learn about the key management, total assets, investment strategy and contact information of 0P0001MDFM among other information.

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Address 70 Conduit Street
Dublin, W1S 2GF
Phone +353 1 4752211

Top Executives

Name Title Since Until
Regina Borromeo Portfolio Manager 2023 Now
Biography Executive Vice President, portfolio manager, and a senior member of PIMCO’s global credit team, co-manages the Portfolio. She focuses on multi-sector credit as well as ESG-oriented credit and income strategies. She is a member of PIMCO’s ESG portfolio management team and PIMCO PRIDE EMEA ERG Committee. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2022, Ms. Borromeo was a senior portfolio manager and director of global fixed income at Robeco UK Limited, overseeing investments across a variety of credit and ESG-oriented strategies. Prior to that, Ms. Borromeo was a portfolio manager and head of international high yield at Brandywine Global Investment Management (Europe). She also held roles at Morgan Stanley Investment Management as vice president, senior research analyst and portfolio manager, global fixed income, and at Goldman Sachs. She has investment experience since 2001 and holds a bachelor of arts from the University of Pennsylvania.
Sachin Gupta Managing Director 2017 Now
Biography Mr. Gupta is a managing director in the Newport Beach office, global portfolio manager, and leader of the global desk. He is an advisory member of the Asia-Pacific portfolio committee and has previously served on the Investment Committee, the emerging markets portfolio committee, and European portfolio committee. Previously at PIMCO, he was in the London office managing European liability-driven investment (LDI) portfolios, and in the Singapore office on the global portfolio management team.
Andrew Thomas Balls Head 2017 Now
Biography Mr. Balls is PIMCO's CIO Global Fixed Income. Based in the London office, he oversees the firm’s European, Asia-Pacific, emerging markets and global specialist investment teams. He manages a range of global portfolios and is a member of the Investment Committee. Previously, he oversaw European portfolio management, and was a global portfolio manager in the Newport Beach office and the firm’s global strategist.
Ketish Pothalingam Executive Vice President 2019 2023
Biography Executive Vice President, PIMCO. Mr. Pothalingam is a portfolio manager focusing on U.K. credit investing in the European portfolio management group. He is a member of PIMCO's ESG (environmental, social, and governance) team, focusing on corporate credit and global bond ESG portfolios, and is PIMCO's elected representative on the ICMA's Green Bond Principles and Social Bond Principles Executive Committee. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2009, he was a credit fund manager with Threadneedle Investments in London. Before that, he was with Lehman Brothers in London as executive director, responsible for sterling credit trading. He previously spent 11 years with HSBC Holdings in London and Tokyo. He has investment and financial services experience since 1987 and holds an undergraduate degree from University College London and a diploma (niveau moyen) from L'Institut D'Etudes Francaises de Tours. He holds the Investment Management Certificate and is a member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals.
Mike Amey Senior Vice President 2017 2019
Biography Mr. Amey is a managing director and portfolio manager in the London office. He is responsible for sterling portfolios, the European insurance (ex Germany) and the European LDI (liability-driven investing) portfolio management groups. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2003, he was head of U.K. fixed income at Rothschild Asset Management and after their merger, at Insight Investment. Prior to joining Rothschild in 1994, Mr. Amey spent two years tutoring in the Department of Economics at the University of Durham. He holds undergraduate and master's degrees in corporate and international finance from the University of Durham. Mr. Amey is also a member of the U.K. Society of Investment Professionals.
Alex Struc - 2017 2017
Biography Mr. Struc is an executive vice president and portfolio manager in the London office. He manages corporate and dedicated financial portfolios and is head of ESG (environmental, social and governance) portfolio management. Prior to joining PIMCO in 2003, he was with Gartmore Investment Management and International Commercial Bank. He holds a master's degree in quantitative finance from the University of Westminster (London). He earned an undergraduate degree from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.
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