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 NameSymbolLastChg. %Total AssetsTime
 PIMCO Funds: Global Investors Series plc Income Fu0P0000.8.980+0.22%708.48B10/03 
 Allianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz Income and0P0000.7.685-1.17%50.64B10/03 
 Pictet-Global Megatrend Selection P HKD0P0001.3,077.990-1.63%11.12B10/03 
 Fidelity Funds - Global Multi Asset Income Fund A-0P0000.13.640-0.07%43.77M10/03 
 Fidelity Funds - Global Multi Asset Income Fund A-0P0000.7.609-0.13%813.6M10/03 
 Janus Capital Funds plc - Janus Balanced Fund A HK0P0000.13.170-1.57%9B10/03 
 Franklin Technology Fund A acc HKD0P0000.58.390-3.98%419.57M10/03 
 Janus Capital Funds plc - Janus Balanced Fund A HK0P0000.26.310-1.57%9B10/03 
 JPMorgan Japan (Yen) (acc) - JPY0P0000.66,283.000-1.20%62.36B10/03 
 UBS Lux Equity Fund - China Opportunity USD HKD P-0P0001.1,658.240-1.56%2.97B10/03 
 Schroder International Selection Fund Emerging Asi0P0000.383.098-2.22%4.51B10/03 
 JPMorgan Multi Income mth - HKD0P0000.10.000-0.70%3.6B10/03 
 AB SICAV I - Low Volatility Equity Portfolio A HKD0P0001.363.630-1.33%7.65B10/03 
 AB SICAV I - Low Volatility Equity Portfolio AD HK0P0001.193.740-1.33%7.65B10/03 
 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme-Sun Life MPF Hong Kong0P0000.6.168-1.63%29.37B10/03 
 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme-Sun Life MPF Hong Kong0P0000.6.460-1.63%29.37B10/03 
 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund - SuperTrust Plus-Ha0P0000.27.200-1.73%33.12B10/03 
 Fidelity Funds - US High Yield Fund A-MINCOME-HKD0P0000.10.120-0.20%74.41M10/03 
 Schroder Asian Asset Income Fund HKD A AccumulatioLP6809.166.866-0.42%14.65B10/03 
 Schroder Asian Asset Income Fund HKD C AccumulatioLP6809.184.221-0.42%14.65B10/03 
 Schroder Asian Asset Income Fund HKD A IncomeLP6809.81.191-0.42%14.65B10/03 
 Schroder Asian Asset Income Fund HKD C IncomeLP6809.89.666-0.42%14.65B10/03 
 Fidelity Funds - China Focus Fund A-Acc-HKD0P0000.18.700-1.94%117.88M10/03 
 Templeton Global Total Return Fund A acc HKD0P0000.11.590-0.17%14.72M10/03 
 Templeton Global Total Return Fund A Mdis HKD0P0000.4.750-0.63%547.12M10/03 
 Fidelity Global Investment Fund - Hong Kong Equity0P0000.15.540-1.83%13.07B10/03 
 Pictet-Global Emerging Debt P dm HKD0P0000.1,026.870-0.07%1.96B10/03 
 AB FCP I - American Income Portfolio A2 Acc0P0000.250.010+0.26%25.68B10/03 
 AB FCP I - American Income Portfolio AT Inc0P0000.50.290+0.26%25.68B10/03 
 JPMorgan Funds - Asia Pacific Income Fund A acc - 0P0000.16.500-0.36%1.24B10/03 
 Manulife Global Select MPF Scheme-Manulife MPF Nor0P0000.31.688+0.40%33.18B07/03 
 Manulife Global Select MPF Scheme-Manulife MPF Sta0P0000.16.400-0.05%15.34B07/03 
 HSBC Investment Funds Trust - HSBC Asian Bond Fund0P0001.7.605+0.04%3.9B10/03 
 Value Partners High-Dividend Stocks A2 HKD Mdis0P0001.8.760-1.02%1.37B10/03 
 JPMorgan Funds - Asia Pacific Income Fund A mth - 0P0000.11.470-0.78%1.24B10/03 
 Fidelity Funds - Asian High Yield Fund A-MDIST-HKD0P0000.5.414-0.09%393.11M10/03 
 Schroder International Selection Fund Hong Kong Eq0P0000.416.873-1.14%7.78B10/03 
 Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Pl0P0000.27.200-1.73%10.27B10/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Global High Yield B0P0000.7.670-0.32%1.01B10/03 
 BlackRock Global Funds - China Fund A2 HKD0P0000.19.750-2.32%208.35M10/03 
 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme-Sun Life MPF Growth Fu0P0000.3.156-0.79%12.21B10/03 
 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme-Sun Life MPF Growth Fu0P0000.3.306-0.79%12.21B10/03 
 BOC-P HK Equity Provident0P0000.38.287-1.68%16.21B10/03 
 Schroder International Selection Fund Global Emerg0P0000.163.187-1.34%1.82B10/03 
 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund-SuperTrust Plus Nort0P0000.31.460-2.84%17.79B10/03 
 JPMorgan Funds - Emerging Markets Debt Fund A mth 0P0000.6.920-0.43%1.27B10/03 
 JPMorgan ASEAN Fund acc - HKD0P0000.13.070-1.66%9.29B10/03 
 JPMorgan Asian Total Return Bond (PRC) (acc) - RMB96800012.340+0.16%22.43B10/03 
 Schroder International Selection Fund China Opport0P0000.16.353-2.67%1.04B10/03 
 JPMorgan Asia Equity Dividend mth - HKD0P0000.9.750-0.81%7.45B10/03 
 JPMorgan Asia Equity Dividend acc - HKD0P0000.16.540-0.90%7.45B10/03 
 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund-SuperTrust Plus Chin0P0000.14.480-2.03%8.04B10/03 
 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund-SuperTrust Plus Asia0P0000.31.350-1.82%8.23B10/03 
 PineBridge US Equity Fund0P0000.64.520-2.66%6.22B10/03 
 BOC-P Global Bond Provident0P0000.20.797+0.05%11.48B10/03 
 Franklin Global Convertible Securities Fund A acc 0P0000.24.330+0.45%7.06B28/02 
 Schroder Balanced Investment Fund HKD Acc0P0000.78.670-1.09%8.66B10/03 
 Manulife Global Select MPF Scheme-Manulife MPF Han0P0000.14.363-0.33%6.27B07/03 
 Manulife Global Select MPF Scheme-Manulife MPF Int0P0000.25.231+0.10%11.68B07/03 
 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme-Sun Life MPF Stable Fu0P0000.2.203-0.24%6.9B10/03 
 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme-Sun Life MPF Stable Fu0P0000.2.103-0.23%6.9B10/03 
 JPMorgan Global Bond Fund (PRC) - RMB Accumulation96805211.210+0.45%3.69B10/03 
 JPMorgan Global Bond Fund (PRC) - RMB Accumulation96805010.710+0.19%17.16B10/03 
 JPMorgan Global Bond Fund (PRC) (mth) - RMB Income9680538.930+0.45%176.02M10/03 
 JPMorgan Global Bond Fund (PRC) (mth) - RMB Income9680518.260+0.12%17.16B10/03 
 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme-Sun Life MPF Balanced 0P0000.2.605-0.47%7.27B10/03 
 Sun Life Rainbow MPF Scheme-Sun Life MPF Balanced 0P0000.2.729-0.47%7.27B10/03 
 BlackRock Global Funds - Emerging Markets Bond Fun0P0000.52.160+0.08%120.61M10/03 
 Fidelity Funds - European Growth Fund C-DIST-DIST-0P0000.15.260-0.65%412.1K10/03 
 BEA Union Investment Global Bond ALP6501.116.950+0.05%8.13B10/03 
 Allianz Global Investors Choice Fund - Allianz Cho0P0000.45.050-2.07%5.69B10/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Chinese Equity Clas0P0000.13.081-2.18%760.6M10/03 
 Fidelity Retirement Master Trust-Global Equity Fun0P0000.39.494-1.67%7.69B10/03 
 BOC-Prudential Easy-Choice MPF Scheme-BOC-Prudenti0P0000.47.995+0.15%8.7B07/03 
 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund-SuperTrust Plus Age 0P0000.13.280-0.30%8.12B10/03 
 JPMorgan Pacific Technology (PRC) (acc) - RMBH96806112.540-2.26%4.78B10/03 
 JPMorgan Pacific Technology (PRC) (acc) - RMB0P0001.13.370-1.84%4.78B10/03 
 JPMorgan Multi Income mth - USD0P0000.10.040-0.69%3.57B10/03 
 JPMorgan Multi Income acc - USD0P0000.18.330-0.65%3.57B10/03 
 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund-SuperTrust Plus Glob0P0000.11.280+0.09%5.96B10/03 
 BCT MPF Pro Choice-BCT Pro Asian Equity Fund0P0000.3.897-0.71%4.25B07/03 
 Fidelity Funds - Emerging Asia Fund A-Acc-HKD0P0000.19.300-1.53%37.44M10/03 
 Da Cheng China Balanced class A (HKD)0P0001.9.190-0.65%5B10/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Asia ex Japan Equit0P0000.18.587-1.29%310.6M10/03 
 JPMorgan Pacific Securities Fund (PRC) (acc) - RMB0P0001.20.660-1.01%4.12B10/03 
 Fidelity Retirement Master Trust-Asia Pacific Equi0P0000.27.756-0.57%4.54B10/03 
 Schroder International Selection Fund Global Equit0P0000.1,065.211+1.54%232.77M10/03 
 BCT MPF Pro Choice-BCT Pro Hang Seng Index Trackin0P0000.1.630-0.41%3.66B07/03 
 Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund-SuperTrust Plus0P0000.14.480-2.03%2.85B10/03 
 BOC-Prudential Global Equity Fund - Provident Clas0P0000.61.419-2.45%5.32B10/03 
 Principal MPF Scheme Series 800-Principal China Eq0P0000.14.077-1.97%2.32B10/03 
 Allianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz China Equi0P0000.1,908.060-1.86%477.44M10/03 
 AIA MPF - Prime Value Choice Green Fund0P0000.300.530-2.43%5.82B10/03 
 HSBC Global Investment Funds - Managed Solutions -0P0000.8.197-0.45%248.86M10/03 
 HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund-SuperTrust Plus Euro0P0000.18.230-1.57%3.97B10/03 
 Schroder Asian Asset Income Fund USD A Accumulatio0P0000.16.727-0.37%14.65B10/03 
 Schroder Asian Asset Income Fund USD C Accumulatio0P0000.16.516-0.36%14.65B10/03 
 Schroder Asian Asset Income Fund USD A Income0P0000.8.139-0.36%14.65B10/03 
 Allianz Global Investors Fund - Allianz China Equi0P0000.11.985-1.86%477.44M10/03 
 BEA (MPF) Industry Scheme-BEA (Industry Scheme) St0P0000.19.227-0.02%2.74B07/03 
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