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Karina Fabi
Registered Users: 2
- Forex
- Technical Analysis
- Price Action
- Scalping
- Beginners
- Intermediate
The question all investors have when they start online trading is finally how much I will get from my money per day or per month in returns. Expectations are pretty high at first but you can´t
missed the point that this a high emotional demanding market, therefore before making plans of taking the online trading as your career make sure you can handle it.
Once you know yourself in terms of attitude and emotions then you can work on your investments returns and expectations. This presentation will show you the different scenarios of investments
and how daytrading will work under different returns goals. I will use the fx and index market for this presentation but is applicable to any market you would like to invest in.
Karina FabiCo-Founder of "Watch My Trading", the first Spanish-language platform for real-time currency trading with macroeconomic data scenarios. Specialist in intraday trading in currencies, commodities and indices. She began her trading career with Price Action from her hedge fund experience in New York City in 2008.
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