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Basic about Futures & Options (F&O) with Strategies

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Planning on to invest in Indian Equity Market but finding it difficult to understand what is Futures & Options. Why most institutional & high net worth investors involved in so much options trading.. How can such minimum investments in options turns out to be a golden decision? If all these are your questions then, do attend this Webinar. This webinar is open for all either you're immature or pro. Even if you aren't comfortable with technical analysis then also this webinar will teach you about understanding the numbers. And as most trader says "Learning F&O is always a great way to make money online with trading with proper risk management measures."

This webinar covers:
■ About
■ What are Futures & Options
■ Trading with F&O
■ The Game of Open Interest
■ Risk Involved in F&O
■ Commonly successful Strategies of F&O
■ Points to Remember
■ Q&A Sessions

Mr. Sanchit Taksali
Certified Financial Planner^CM with Master's in Business Administration (MBA) in Finance from BIT, Mesra, Ranchi. Having keen interest and vast working experiences in the various field of Financial Background i.e Financial Modelling, Equity Research (both Technically and Fundamentally), Compliance, Coaching, and Advisory work. Currently, with the purpose of developing and promoting Financial Planning & Education to individuals, corporates, professionals, artists and other society groups. He started working on Investiture - Your Personal Financial Planner as a project. To know how Investiture, can help in your Personal Finance Matters, then do visit us:
Basic about Futures & Options (F&O) with Strategies
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