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Commodities Analysis & Opinion

Andy Hecht
Coal: Low Supplies And Rising Demand By Andy Hecht - Sep 03, 2021

This article was written exclusively for Investing.comThermal coal rises to its highest price since 2008 - Metallurgical coal explodes to the upside Central Appalachia coal has been rallying Coal is...

Andy Hecht
Soft Commodities: Cocoa Could Be Taking The Bullish Baton By Andy Hecht - Aug 27, 2021

The article was written exclusively for Coffee rises to the highest price since 2014 in July Orange juice moves to a multi-year peak Sugar and cotton rise to the highest prices in years...

Fawad Razaqzada
Chart Of The Day: Copper Weakness Probably Not Done Yet By Fawad Razaqzada - Aug 20, 2021

This article was written exclusively for Investing.comIt has been a bad week for most risk assets this week and barring an unexpected sharp recovery today, we may well see some ugly-looking weekly...

Ellen R. Wald, Ph.D.
As Oil Prices Slump, 5 Things Could Drive Market Volatility By Ellen R. Wald, Ph.D. - Aug 19, 2021

Oil prices continued slumping on Wednesday, as the market weighed the dollar's strength compared to other currencies, along with the global rise of coronavirus cases. As market volatility continues,...

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