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Commodity bulls vexed at times by oil's volatility may have a friendlier one-way trade now that’s likely to last for a while: wheat. The grain, which rose by its daily limit in Chicago...
The growing prospect of a slowdown in the world’s top two economies will likely weigh on oil again this week, extending its volatility, while gold tries to cling to the key $1,800 level despite...
This article was written exclusively for Investing.comCocoa has gone nowhere fast Sugar and coffee rose to multi-year highs Cotton and orange juice exploded to the upside 4 reasons why cocoa could...
Record-high fuel prices are testing the mettle of US consumers. How much further can they go, before the bubble pricks, is what oil bulls are trying to find out.As crude markets were set to finish a...
Is the rally in natural gas cooling? In a sense, the answer may lie in the weather, which, on the contrary, is finally turning balmy in parts of the US where it matters.Officially, the so-called...
Will gold fall beneath the $1,800-an-ounce support? Charts say yes, though bulls will likely be there to pull it back up quickly.With losses running for a fourth straight week, the yellow metal was...
This article was written exclusively for Investing.comRising interest rates weigh on industrial metals Move in US Dollar Index bearish Lockdowns in China not helping Addressing climate change requires...
Chocolatiers are spoiled for choice now when it comes to cocoa bean supply—and that’s not good for growers of the commodity.Like all raw materials, cocoa goes up and down in price based on...
This article was written exclusively for Investing.comThe bond market has already moved 2 reasons why higher interest rates tend to weigh on commodity prices 3 reasons why this time is different A...
Had one been told back in December—before the Russia-Ukraine drama really got heated up—that natural gas would be double the price by April, the temptation might have been to laugh. But...
According to a recent Reuters poll of 31 analysts and traders, the median price of gold will rise to $1,920 an ounce during the April-June quarter. Despite the strongest dollar in 20 years, which...
Of all the non-energy commodities, wheat is probably one of the most political now. Its price and outlook are dependent on the outcome of the Ukraine war more than anything else.And why not? Russia...
Think of $110-$95 a barrel as the new normal.We’re referring to the trading range for US oil’s benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude, known more popularly by its three-lettered...
In one of the most intense weeks for markets, the Federal Reserve and OPEC+ will both be on the radar of commodity investors, setting gold and oil prices up for a particularly turbulent time, with the...
This article was written exclusively for Investing.com Quite a rally since June 2020 US natural gas market matured Increased exposure to international price trends Europe is now central issue for...