Metrics similar to EBITDA in the popular category include:
Accrued Interest Receivable - This item represents interest accrued (i.e. earned but not yet due) on loans, securities, certificates of deposit, or other investments. This item is available only in Banks and Thrifts.
Asset Management Fee - This item represents the fees earned from managing the assets of a third party. Also includes fees earned on providing banking services like check writing, credit cards and debit cards, brokerage features like buying securities and making loans on margin & the convenience of having all financial transactions listed on one monthly statement.
In Process R&D Expenses - This item represents when a company acquired other company’s assets and liabilities along with its in process R&D and if that In process R&D is of no use to Acquired Company, it will be written off.
Common Stock - The value of net common equity ownership.
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