Metrics similar to Owner Earnings in the popular category include:
Current Income Taxes Payable - This item represents the accrued portion of Income taxes levied on the Corporate Income. If Income Taxes are combined with any other taxes or any other liabilities, where income taxes appear as first string and the company does not report the break up for the same, then the same will form part of this data item only.
Capital Expenditures - The overall change in capital expenditures and sales of plant, property and equipment. This field is used if a company does not report separately sales and purchases of plant, property and equipment or is calculated as the sum of purchases and sales of PP&E
Cash And Equivalents - The amount of cash held by the company for the given period.
Basic EPS Incl Extra Items - Company's net earnings or losses from continuing operations adjusted for certain one-time items on a per basic share basis.
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A measure of free cash flow made famous by Warren Buffett when he wrote about it in Berkshire Hathaway's annual report in 1986. Mr. Buffett stated tha...
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