Metrics similar to Revenue in the popular category include:
Gain (Loss) On Sale Of Assets - This item represents any gain or loss on sale/disposition of tangible and intangible fixed assets, subsidiaries, division, segment, product line, business, operations etc and is of non-recurring in nature.
Deferred Tax Liability, Current - A liability created by a difference between accounting for income tax purposes and financial reporting purposes.
Other Adjustments to Net Income - This item represents the deductions from net income other than preferred stock dividend, premium on redemption of preferred stock dividends, and other preferred stock related adjustments, which are considered in calculating basic earnings per share. Many companies show such adjustments in the income statement by way of a deduction from net income. Sometimes the company may not show the adjustments in the income statement, instead, may report in the notes (calculation of Earnings per share). In such cases, it is brought from notes to financial statements.
Reinsurance Payable - This item represents the premiums payable by an insurance company to another insurance company in respect of insurance ceded in order to reduce its overall risk.
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The revenue metric captures the total income generated by a company from its core operational activities
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