Metrics similar to Revenue in the popular category include:
In Process R&D Expenses - This item represents when a company acquired other company’s assets and liabilities along with its in process R&D and if that In process R&D is of no use to Acquired Company, it will be written off.
Amortization of Intangible Assets - This item represents the amortization of intangible assets. The amortization returned by this data item reflects the amortization included in the depreciation and amortization used to calculate EBITDA.
Total Dividends Paid (Ex Special Dividends) - This item represents cash outflows towards dividends or distributions, either to common or preferred stockholders during the relevant period. The amount paid may relate to the pending dividend of earlier period also.
Cash from Financing - The net amount of cash transactions used in funding activities
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The revenue metric captures the total income generated by a company from its core operational activities
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